Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008)

You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008)

Zohan is a playboy of the Israeli commando world. He cannot be killed or beaten, and has captured some of the most vile of Palestinian terrorists ever, including the formidable “Phantom”. Israel decides to trade Phantom for one of their own agents and Zohan’s obvious disgruntlement with the nature of his profession along with the violence of it has finally worn on him. In a showdown with Phantom, Zohan fakes his own death and leaves for the United States in order to pursue his dream of becoming a hair dresser for the infamous Paul Mitchell. Immediately, Zohan does not fit into New Yorks hip snobbery, though is oblivious to it himself. Now, he not only suffers anonymity, but he must start his career in a new shop run by Palestinians and avoid being recognized by anyone.

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